Hi there from my corporate looking headshot and I.
You may have stumbled here by mistake perhaps looking for cat videos or a reason to procrastinate. Alas, you are here. So you might as well stay for a bit.
So who am I? Well, in a professional sense I'm a digital content obsessive, former social media guru (I'm sure someone called me that once) turned acquisition manager for a pretty cool EduTech start up; Mastered.com. We are democratising education through technology and innovating to help creative professional build more robust and adaptable skillsets. Our clients include brands like Alexander McQueen, Celine and Loewe.
In a less professional sense I'm the co-host of The Pang. A podcast where I get pissed off by the world and invite others on to get pissed off with me. Why not subscribe to our weekly newsletter of fun? We discuss intergenerational issues with lighthearted flare.
I also write, sometimes I publish it.
When I'm not hunched over my phone, you can find me with my head in an article or at a vintage store scouring for handbags and furniture. One day I will own a pack of sassy animals. Unfortunately, that time has not yet arrived.
For all enquiries and memes please email me jlouisemontgomery [at] gmail dot com